At Remedy Method, we know what it’s like to struggle with everything that chronic illness brings, but we also know the joy that healing brings.

Our bodies hold an abundance of stories and wisdom. Learning to reconnect with these is where this healing takes place.

In working with us, we hope you feel deeply seen and attended to. Wellness coaching aims to help you attune to and understand your own body and, further, to empower you to meet its needs. It’s structured to provide whole-person care. We act as your guide and ally until you feel resourced and ready to travel on your own. 

Remedy Method works with clients locally (in Burlington, Vermont) and remotely.

Examples of conditions we work with…

  • Autoimmune conditions (Hashimoto’s, Celiac, Lupus, Sjogren’s, etc.)
  • Food reactions
  • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis, etc.)
  • Other gastrointestinal disorders
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)
  • Postural orthostatic hypotension (POTS)
  • Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS)
  • Histamine intolerance / allergies
  • Dysautonomia
  • Chronic Lyme disease
  • Long Covid illness
  • Mold / biotoxin illness
  • Endometriosis / Adenomyosis
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Other menstrual conditions
  • Chronic pain syndromes
  • Interstitial cystitis / Painful bladder syndrome

Chronic health conditions can make us feel that our bodies have failed us—that we are unsafe or don’t belong in our first homes. We want to change the paradigm of chronic illness from one of brokenness to one of our bodies as beautiful, intelligent, adaptive organisms responding to less-than-optimal environments and circumstances. When circumstances are challenging and ample resources are unavailable, despite our bodies’ best efforts to maintain balance, difficult decisions must be made and—well—we don’t feel well.

We view symptoms as communication. In our culture, we’re taught to mistrust the messages of our bodies. In truth, though, the body often knows what it needs and cries out for it. As cute as it is to imagine a liver with a mouth and googly eyes—it doesn’t have those and speaks, instead, through symptoms. Through deep listening, we can begin to create a story of the load your body has been carrying and the resources it’s been lacking. 

We work with clients to create pathways to wellness that blend lessons from modern, evidence-based science with those from natural systems and various folk medicine traditions. Through restoration of trust, healing relationships, and better resourcing, we can reclaim balance and wellbeing. We begin with simple concepts and build upon them over time. Each reflects the vast and diverse needs of a person’s physical, emotional, and lived experience. Because it takes a village to lift people out of chronic illness, we work to create a skilled and caring community of allied practitioners individualized to you. You and your body are deserving of love and care, whatever your condition or circumstance. 

We passionately believe that the work of healing from chronic health conditions can create superheroes and help to build a better world. The work of healing, learning to radically love and accept your body, and cultivating compassion & deep relationships paves the way to shine our light through and pay it all forward. As practitioners, we’re committed to being in solidarity with the individuals we serve to overcome barriers to wellness and promote more humane, thriving communities. 

It’s time to come back home to your body.

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